Thursday, September 3

bird park is just awesome !


alhamdulillah yesterday someone brought me to the world's largest bird park at kl. Ya allah seronok sgt tak taw camne nak describe. There were a lot of bird yg kita tak dpt tengok secara dekat! Bayangkan burung2 tu bebas jalan2 tepi kita even dia terbang sukati dia je. Malang la sapa yg kene tahi burung. Huhu

mcm biasa im a little bit late. Act tersalah timing time. N im really sorry for that. The best part was when i see his smile tibe2 masa driving car. Deng ! Okay sayang you want to eat anything just ask me. We will eat together today ! Dgn gaya sgt seronok ! Wuhu rupanya duit dah masok.. igtkan apa td..

okay right then tibe lah kat taman burung betul2 sebelah masjid negara. Cantik subhanallah cantik sgt2. Burung kan terbang tinggu which kita boleh tengok secara dekat. Punyalah eksaited awk kalah budak kecik serious lepas tu tanya kenapa sy x seeksaited dia. Ahah kita dh dewasa kan. Agak laa.

i think yesterday was the day. Berpeluh bagai apa tah masam nye x payah cakap. N he looks so stunning with his short pants n beg. Really adorable like always. Thanks awk.

n after that shoot to ioi city mall. Jumpe kawan2 kaa. He will never dissappoint me. Any time any where. If i said i wanna do that he will try to find out a solution n he manage doing that so perfectly !

Maybe sometime kita nampak mcm kakak bwk adik jalan2. Tp 1 thing u need to know. U always be matured. "Saya kalau hal kerja mmg akan serius.." tang mana awk serius? Wuhu takot nyaaa hehe

Balek tu terus pergi cafe dia minum air lebih rm10 mahal nye lahai. N then beli sikit keychain just for memorable thing before going home. Yay i got flamingo pink siap ada torch light ! Yaayyy alhamdulillah.

thanks love always make me happy. 6 years n stil counting. Never failed. Serious.