Friday, December 26

jari jemari rajin


dah lama jugak x update blog ni. hehehe

oh ye now im so bz with class forensic and toxicology with some assignment that i need to submit on 30 dec ni! woah semoga Allah permudahkan la ye aminnn.

well, learning forensic really open my mind out. learning about org mati. serius rasa sgt insaf, change that occur after human dead. well tu yang ada case dah mati tapi tetibe terbangun or tangan dia tergerak sndiri. thats so not hantu guys, thats is due to rigor mortis which is there is some enzyme that move our body. it takes time to be finish and disintegrate. subhanallah
even if we aspirate sperm from dead man the sperm are still motile ! subhanallah

okay, im also learning about case of death daripada gantung diri, sampai lah bunuh pakai pistol. mmg acah acah polis la kan bila kene belajar bermacam jenis senapang n pistol. thats really make me so excited to attend class practical. rugi untuk org yg dtg kuliah for the seek of marks n lulus exam only. ini semua ilmu allah yg patut kita belajar. ilmu ALLAH itu luas. kita baru belajar setitik dakwat daripada lautan ALLAH.

the mid term exam around the corner, okay walaupun rasa agak x puas hati sbb university lain ikut system round jugak tapi dorg takda midterm n kitaorang ada. kau ghase apa? okay deal lah we take this in positive way. learn kerana ALLAH ye kawan kawan bukan sebab nak lulus exam. kap ba ra kap alip ta nun. gituuu

i've already got my ticket to malaysia. kawan2 sume seronok berjalan pegi negara barat tengok pemandangan while me celebrating my sister wedding n family. alhamdulillah. mmg nak jalan jugak tapi masa dengan family actually lagi berharga. duit boleh cari, masa ngn family nak cari mana?

n now tgh case banjir yg semakin teruk kat pantai timur. oh well, deep inside my heart, im so touch for them. seriously nak tolong tapi tak mampu selain daripada doa. thats all. power of dua tu kuat sebenarnya. sama lah mcm case dekat palestine, syria. x mampu untuk pergi sana bertarung nyawa tapi kita bole doa dari jauh. thats the best.