Monday, September 23

mesir or malaysia?


based on the tittle..its my decision to decide where i want to continue my study.. its malaysia or mesir.. ya allah give me way give me the right path dats best for me..
apa yg terbaik tunjuk kan aku ya allah.

kalau nk study mesir mmg atas risiko sndiri. sbb all we know mesir tgh bergolak sekarang ni..hhm if i want to go study malaysia.. its really need a cost. insyaAllah JPA help me a lot.

kolej insaniah is an islamic university for medic. fees around 250k for 5 years. my friends sorg ada kt situ dah tahun 2. act kolej ni baru je bertapak kt kedah. so 1st batch pon baru je 23 org. dengar nye akan bertambah oleh budak2 mesir. plus sistem pembelajaran nak sama ngn egypt which are they had hafazan tajwid n so on.

we are too many. yes we are. but i dunno lah. seems to be mcm perlambakan budak medic pon ada. malaysia is really tough to survive.i know it already. before i take medic ada jugak lah fikir pasal ni. tp why not we try. bcoz otak manusia ni adalah the best creation of Allah. act kita just guna brapa precent je dari otak kita.kalau guna sume? tu yg jadi pandai gila tu. tp things got their own limitation. x mungkin Allah nk kasi sume pandai kan. Allah tu maha tahu.

CUCMS. located at cyberjaya. which my old school haha. n tmpat jumpe adib. eheh
yg ni mmg mahal. fascilities mmg tiptop. but all u need just money. then u can proceed.
tasnim my friend was one of them. baru je masok from Alevel. at 1st place she decided to go to egypt. dengar khabar egypt pon tah ke mana. terus apply CUCMS.
mmg tough sbb kne fight againts budak cina india sume. fulamak oi.

pakcik azali recommend study medic to other country such as india bangladesh indo russia n other. ni pon satu. dimana ada duit di situ ada jalan.. see the important of money. kalau ada duit tp xde sijil lulus pon x jadi jugak. so u need both money n ur brain. then u can proceed. my though is.. i used to be in egypt.i need time to comfort myself to certain country n their environment. its not easy. yes really not easy.

truely i said dat taking medicine course in egypt really in comfort zone. sangat rileks. i mean mmg senang la kalau nak score medic kt sini. xde pon org yg gila sbb study medic kt egypt ni.

tp we are too many. n we in a big number. 7k people study in egypt. mana nak campak? kalau la malaysia ni besar dia da bole tampung all malaysian people study here. but we are small country. n malaysia cant afford to tampung student form egypt yg tgh bergolak tu.

ibu abah said. i can go to mesir. i can study further there. bcoz they got their own trust yg i can do it at egypt. if i really cannot go study there how come can i got a good result. bukan lah nk berlagak. act yep. aku selesa kat sana cara blaja cara cakap. really tak memaksa aku. bagi aku medik ni x susah. its just need your concentretion n minat. dats the important thing. n paling penting kene la rajin. buat apa2 kerja pon mst kene rajin. kalau malas silalah tanam anggur kat rumah.

okay dah panjang n dah pening dah. wallahualam.