Saturday, October 19

welcome to egypt.


huh.. its about 10 days since i was in egypt. quite good now. the situation was very differ from what a heard in malaysia. yeah ada je tembak2 tu tapi dat place was far from my place. actually not really *sigh

yesterday result form kpt dah keluar. n mmg a lot of my fren got their place to study medic. ada yg kt india, swasta n ada yg dpt ipta. oh my. aku rasa mcm MENYESAL gila x isi borang kpt tu. its bcoz of my spm was not really good. hhmm

okay tomorrow clas will be start. did i prepare enough? rasa mcm kuat main kuat makan kuat gelak. please wake up qila, 3rd year is not easy, it is dificult. well u study medic the more u study the more dificult it is. ya allah

n my batch half already left. mmg rmai amik keputusan x nak sambung egypt. tapi aku yakin allah dah joodhkan aku dgn negara kinanah ni, mst allah nak suruh aku cari apa yg aku belum dpt dari negara ni. negara para nabi.

aku bukan je nak jadi a doctor. but i want to be ustazah also. aku nak jadi doctor yg bukan semua org bole jadi. iaitu merawat jasmani n rohani seseorang tu. benda tu hanya ada kt mesir yg bole aku gali, kalau aku sambung selain mesir, aku x kan berkesempatan untuk menghafal al quran n belajar ilmu agama allah yg lain kn?

cuti 4 bulan dah cukup mengajar aku, cuti yg panjang banyak benda lagha aku buat. yess manusia mmg x terlepas dari buat kesilapan. termasok lah aku.

kalau nak ikutkan aku lagi dekat ngn allah, tp adakah allah dah pandang aku? aku patut jadi pendakwah kepada mak apak aku adik beradik n kawan2 aku. malah generasi aku yg akan datang nnt.

please wake up from any dream aqilah. i know i can do it better. jangan set dalam minda yg 3rd year ni susah. try to think out of the box. that allah create your brain very special. keajaiban allah. otak manusia.

kalau org lain bole. why not i? rite. i just need to focus. jangan buang masa. jaga hubungan dengan manusia n allah. insyaAllah.

ramai org cakap yg doctor keluaran mesir ni x bagus, haprak kelas ke3 la. tapi takpe aku yakin rezeki sume di tangan Allah. aku bukan setakat nak cari ilmu duniawi tapi aku jugak nak kaut ilmu akhirat. biarlah ianya bergerak seiring. bukan semua doctor keluaran mesir ni x bagus. biarlah aku x dipandang tinggi oleh manusia asalkan aku dipandang tinggi oleh Allah. buat apa aku disanjung oleh manusia sedangkan aku dipandang hina oleh Allah. walhal allah yg cipta aku bukan nya manusia.

ya rabb ampunilah aku.

Thursday, October 3

meet him, awww


its thursday. yesterday punya story.

abah suddenly wanna go work early today. aku pon kelam kabut siap ala kadar jela simple. hii
then at 9 am im arrive at bandar tasek selatan. fuhh mmg takda org. i mean there a little people there. terus shoot ke terminal dia tu selesa siket. then beli coklat n air duduk situ. aumm sejuk gila. huu

call him. 'baru bangun rupanya, lupa la tu?' huu
takpe its okay. lagipun he always waited for me before. tunggu sejam sengah pe salahnya kan. weng3

dah nak smpai aku pegi toilet sbb dah sejuk gila so kene jalan2 siket kasi warm. then meeted him up. ya allah like usual so handsome my boy. 'saya lapar sangat' jom makan. ohh x sempat nak breakfast terus makan at kenny rogers :)

then igt nak pegi jalan tar beli tudung tapi mcm penuh je n sesak nnt. so we decided to go to times square. favourite place. yeah.
by erl we went to kl central then monorel to times square.

finally this time aku sempat lalu tangga yg ada piano tu. yep a brilliant ideas to make people use stairs rather than escalator or lift.

beli tudung. thanks for the treats. then makan nasi air kelapa. he always said that 'awk hati2 kat sana..' hhmm ya allah layu. i promise dat i will always take care of myself ok :)

then went to FOS teman beli seluar jeans. nak blanja lg? hee its okay awk. duit guna untuk beli keperluan bukan kehendak :) saya ni jangan dipelawa nnt kang hilang kawalan.

its not saya x nak awk belikan dress tu. just saya nak balek mesir dah takut x pakai pulak dress tu. huu im sorry next time kita balek beli lagi ye.

sampai lah masa untuk pulang. wosh monorel ramai gilak orang. oh mai. he was so caring. fuhh mmg ramai org then tolak2 sume. bahaya naseb baik ada polis bantuan jaga. well ingat pegi hari biasa x ramai mcm ni. skali ya allah ramai gila kot. fuh
thanks awk. kita selamat kan kan. hehe

igt nak cari bantal untuk travel tu. tapi x jmpe. huhu never mind lah hehe
at kl central. i started to say gud bye to him. waa this is not the last time we meet i promise you. next time saya balek we meet up again na?

then he started kuarkan spek hitam dia. try to hide it from me huh? dah bertakung dah tu. saya perasan. please be strong ye.
savely arrive home. alhamdulillah

memang i need to go there. there is my future there. i need to end up my bachelor to be a muslimah doctor. its doesnt matter kat mana pon kita berada. jodoh tu Allah yg tentukan. just doa supaya Allah kekalkan jodoh kita aminn.

n the most important thing is please take care of urself orait. solat makan tidur rest must be equal :)
xmo sedih2.
im almost 2 years n more there. so mcm da pro la ni? hehe insyaAllah. ada rezeki sy bwk awk ke tmpat saya belajar okeh? heee

Tuesday, October 1

less than a month


wow its already the time. the time already coming. yeah truly its very hard for me to cope with all of this. sometime i feel that i dont wanna go there sometime i feel than i wanna go there. oh Allah please help me :(

oh yer next wednesday is the day. i know i must be strong. yeah i know. i can survive with all of this. yela dah 2 tahun aku kat sana. insyaallah everything will be okay.

n now i would like to 3rd year already. bermula lah tahun yg susah untuk score. waaa stress is around the corner. weee

welcome home stress, goodbye relaxing.

CAUSE IM AMAZING JUST THE WAY I AM. hahahah perasan jap sbb tgh layan lagu nih. wehaaa :p