Wednesday, August 19

kap khun kha its thai's time !


lupa nak update pasal pergi thai baru baru ni alhamdulillah all of us includes 2 abang ipar pun ikut sekali. well tak sabar nak bawak semua abang ipar akak ipar include my upcoming husband pergi bercuti in sha allah kalau allah inzinkan ye dak?

n yeah barang kt thai murah serious murah punya. spending 4 days at bangkok really teach me alot about other's country n sempat jugak utk pergi naik pasar terapung sambil makan pulut santan mangga n eskem dalam tempurung kelapa which x kan dpt yg terbaik mcm kt sana kt malaysia ni sangkaya pun kalah. hehe

ok tu tak termasok kes yg kitorg sesat dari mbk mall ke hotel. masalah tanya polis trafik pun dorg x reti cakap english. so agak la mcm itik ngn ayam. tp nak wat camne lama punya lama hampir 2 jam jugak jalan akhirnya dpt curi wifi kt hotel terdekat n bukak gps. hehe sampai jugak hotel akhirnya. ayoh mmg peluh lencun punya terbaik !

makan seafood mmg heaven n murah gila. thanks abah for treated us makan n also to 2 abang ipar yg awesome. hihi

tahun depan abah dah booking nak pergi cina jom? n i said tak boleh abah qila cuti 2 minggu je waktu raya nnt. sobs okay done perjuangan harus diteruskan ! lagi 2 tahun yay semoga allah permudahkan semuanya aminnnn

istanbul aku datang!


nak share pergi turkey, very beautiful country. really tak tipu.
rasa nak pergi lagi. act nak duduk pon boleh. dengan bakal suami. tempat tenang, banyak sejarah islam. kalau ada rezeki pergi lah tak rugi pon :)
tapi kene sentiasa tunduk pandangan sebab orang2 dia sangat lahhhh hensom2 dan cantik2! Cakap byk pun malas nak taip dah tengok aa sndiri hehehe

its been a long time


yes its been a long time since i didnt update on my blog. hows i am doing now? well basically its a summer break time. n its sooo long 3 months ! n yep i admit it is the last year before i get into my 5th year in medical career student. oh allah please ease all of my journey n my parent's also.

yesterday got an oppurtunity to meet my jantung. jantung ke? oppsss oh yeahh got new sport shoes from skechers n it is expensive. the expensive shoes i ever bought. oh no act he bought it for me. n he already surveyed it yesterday. how sawit you are !

before that i got to eat 20 biji meatball from ikea. n it is so delicious ! alhamdulillah.. memang it is so dfferent from egypt. masin gila hmmm

n it is the 1st time i go to the curve. cantik. free from people since i went there yesterday which was a working day. yeayyy !

you never disappoint me thru this 6 years. n i know sometimes my word my act yelah manusia sapa je x buat silap. n i know jodoh all the things allah yg tentukan. n i would like to thanks to you for whatever you had done to me. n meeting you its the greatest meet i have ever had. thanks allah alhamdulilah.
siapa sangka i just admire hime from high school. n time tu yelah selekeh mmg tak mampu nak hadap n bagitahu sendiri. n tah mcm mana he respond it well !

thanks also for always support my studies from year 1 til year 4. allhamdulillah selain drpd doa ibu abah.. i admit that u are among my spirit. yg tak henti tahan ngntok. nak samakan waktu dgn saya. yg always wait for me to go home. alwayss there. i dont know if anyone can beat what you can do to me.

i am grateful seriously talk punya. my problem solver. be mine please ya allah ?