Tuesday, February 27

sky clinic aesthethic centre


yesterday i went to sky cyber clinic. hehe quiet jauh plus susah ya amat nak cari parking. naseb baik driver cekap boleh cari parking dgn jayanya.

it is located at i-tech tower at shadbury kalau tak silap sebelah mcmc. i've known sky clinic from instagram which is told by my sister. she said that a lot of her friend going to sky clinic buat treatment muka.

haha actually my skin was not that bad, i just recover from break out from using local product name Ameyra beauty. haha takda maknanya nak sorok2.. n then the doctor start to take history from me. apa product yg i pakai sekarang, consume apa2 tak. umur berapa n so on lah. my mom yg nak hantar i pergi aesthethic centre actually. dengan alasan nak jadi doctor muka kene jaga haha untung lah muka yg licin tak payah keluar duit beribu riban nak baiki muka tu. so penjagaan muka sangat penting sekarang ni.

he introduced me a PRP treatment which is using our own blood n take from it serum n make a micro needle lepastu letak kat muka. rawatan ni sangat efficient to make recover healing of our skin especially for those yg ada scar from acne apa semua. i cant wait to try after back from egypt. hehe

so rawatan ni katanya tak yah banyak2 kali pun takpe. just kalau kita dah satisfied dgn kulit kita so dah boleh stop dah. n then katanya moisturiser is really important lah kan kalau nak jaga muka ni. n also sunblock hehe kalau takda dua ni, kesan jangka panjang akan nampak waktu dah tua nnt i mean 40 an la.

the price quiet high but this clinic offer a price which include other treatment also as face shape lift, multivitamin n facial muka. so i grab it while ada promo, takot dah takda promo nnt naik harga. hehe i plan to work after my convo day n nak banyak sikit2 lah utk penjagaan muka ni. hehe

at least we use our own money for our health kan.

jayyid jiddan ( very good )

alhamdulillah its been a long time actually since i arrived at Malaysia. a lot of things need to be done. including a lot of food need to be try and eat hahaha

okay last sunday, our whole class had been noticed result for 6th year final exam. well azhar was the last and siput utk keluar result which its takes for about 1 month and half. other university just takes about 2 weeks n then result keluar n then terus convo n tunggu for HO panggilan. well kitorang bole rileks2 dulu sambil cuak tunggu result and boleh spend time dgn family and eat a lot of food! yess

soooo result pun keluar lah haritu. which of which i dah tahu dah yg i ni lulus tahun 6, cuma tak tahu full marks utk keseluruhan dari tahun 1 sampai lah tahun 6. debar jugak lah bila bukak dropbox yg di share oleh ketua kelas kami iaitu aliah razaki waktu tu. waktu maghrib la kot nk ke isyak. k takpe la solat la dulu. lagipun baru je lepas berbuka puasa ganti. huhu

n then i try to search la my name. of course i will search other name first n then i will search a name before me which is shafiqah n a name after me which is kak aimi. tapi aku tak jumpa nama aku. aku dh start cuak sbb dia ikot ranking markah actually. so i start to went down to the bottom of the list. sadly i couldnt found my name. dh start cuak lagi.

k lah i start from above n then i know 1st one on ranking was my ketua kelas la of course. mana mungkin dia tak dapat topp 3 kan. n then i went down, n then i start to found my nama. which i rasa tak layak langsung la nak berada dalam top 10 punya list. oh rupanya dia dah sum up kan markah kita start from tahun 4 5 6. n markah start form year 1. i hardly believe of that. which my friends was lagi pandai la so on kan.

so i've been no 9 out of 59 person in my class. masa tu tengok atas katil so terus lah sujud syukur time tu jugak. depan adik aku yg ckp kau dah kenapa sujud atas ni. n then i told my mum n dad which masa tu at JB to look after my grand dad. of course la no respond yg serta merta. ucap thanks atas doa apa semua. the day after barulah perasan yg my dad reply my text. hehe alhamdulillah tanpa doa kalian tak kan ku berjaya harungi dunia medik di Kaherah.

n then i told my half friend which i've been known him since tingkatan 5 lagi. he help me a lot with my study, told me ayat yg selalu dia sebut ' ibu abah hantar jauh2 utk belajar,buat dorang happy bangga dengan awak, i know u can do this. u dah harungi 5 tahun sikit je lagi utk habis.,' ayat selalu nak sedap hati pulak ' nanti awak balik kita makan sedap2..' haha okay lahhh i really love food, i can eat a lot like really a lot. uhu i had a big tummy. thanks awak.

now i am heading to Cairo back for my convo day on 18/3 ni. pray for my safe journey to Cairo n having fun there too. told you my last convo day was on my tadika masa 6 tahun haha. that was my last time. i never been convo on my standard 6, no convo on tingkatan 5 neither. haha noob kan.

now, start a new life and chapter in my life. dah 25 tahun. a lot of thing changes all around me. family, friends yg dah beranak yg dah kawen. 6 years n half is a long duration. we bz growing up untill we forget that our parents are getting older. huhu

ibu, abah, n other family members, n my other half, this is for you. hope this kejayaan make you all glad and happy. nothing i can do except study hard n be a good doctor that treat patient.. from now on, just be ready for what its take dulu. n enjoy the moment while its last.
